On Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
April 28, 2021 ⚡ 9 min readSum is about what happens when you die. David Eagleman provides 40 short, & engaging stories, all exploring different possibilities for life…
Musings about life, data, and the human condition...
Sum is about what happens when you die. David Eagleman provides 40 short, & engaging stories, all exploring different possibilities for life…
The Psychology of Money is a guide to becoming better with money. The author argues that in the end, it isn’t the hard skills which matter…
I recently finished my first semester (albeit online) of college. Despite taking my finals only last week, I can already feel myself…
I emptied out the kitchen bin the other day, and instead of simply replacing it with one bag, I lined the bin with 3 bags. This means that…
I’ve been thinking about optimal ways to go about making decisions. In Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow he breaks down two processes of…
I really wanted to like this book. But in all aspects, I just found it completely underwhelming. A lot of the messaging was cliche and…
When Breath Becomes Air is a powerful and heart-wrenching semi-autobiographical novel detailing the life of neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi. The…
“Anything you Want” by Derek Sivers is a refreshing take on entrepreneurship. We’re taught that business in general is rather cold: seeking…
This book is powerful and has the potential to be life changing. I found myself moved by Victor Frankl’s story and inspired by the messages…
Atomic Habits is well worth the time needed to read - even as someone who felt self-assured in his “system” of productivity, I found myself…
I’ve been thinking about time in the wrong way for a lot of my life. I used to block my day in hour by hour chunks. 2 hours gone studying…
I recently came across the concept of weak ties - and it has totally reframed my view of “networking”. We usually think to look to our…
The thesis of The Elephant in the Brain is that we deceive ourselves to better deceive others: there is an entire aspect of our thinking…
I believe that in todays day and age most of us don’t even know who we are anymore. And that’s a bold claim I know. We’re so used to going…
“Nobody cries at the end of a movie about a guy who wants a Volvo (2)” This book was authentic, raw, and honest. It had the voice of…
This book captivated me for a month - It’s quite a long read (~530 pages). If you approach this book with an open mind, take the time to…
I graduated high school a little over a month ago. It still hasn’t sunk in. Part of me doesn’t want it to sink in. Childhood, once feeling…
We need to reflect more. Most people I know go through their day in a purely forward-pass manner, where they simply float from one activity…
Dictionary.com defines inflection as: Mathematics. a change of curvature from convex to concave or vice versa. I like to think of this blog…